3 Band Resistor Color Code
Resistor Color Code
How does this calculator work?
In a three-band resistor, the first two bands represent significant digits, while the third band represents the multiplier.3
Black: 0
Brown: 1
Red: 2
Orange: 3
Yellow: 4
Green: 5
Blue: 6
Violet: 7
Gray: 8
White: 9
Here is an example
let’s consider a three-band resistor with the color code “Red-Orange-Black.” The first band, red, represents the digit 2, the second band, orange, represents the digit 3, and the third band, black, represents the multiplier 10^0. Therefore, the resistance value would be calculated as (2 * 10 + 3) * 1 = 23 Ohms, with a tolerance of 10%.
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